Our Services

Fresh Breath, Periodontal Therapy, & Preventive Care
The number one cause of adult tooth loss is gum disease which can quickly destroy a smile. Bleeding gums usually are a warning sign of periodontal and gum disease. This condition can lead to severe dental problems, including bone loss and therefore tooth loss.

We are dedicated to a preventive approach to gum disease, mouth odor, bleeding, and infection. Mounting evidence links dental disease to serious heart complications including heart disease, as well as other medical conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. If caught early, gum disease can be treated and its symptoms reversed. We offer gentle, in-office therapy to restore your gums, bones, and overall health.

If you suffer from bad breath or if your gums bleed, feel tender, or appear red and swollen, don't wait and call us at 212-696-9666 today to schedule a visit. Regardless of how long you have been waiting to see a dentist, we can help you now and start you on the path to good oral health.